Sunday, January 6, 2008

Dog Daze..

Hi Fluffy here again. Just in case you are wondering who my friend is in the picture...his name is Tanner. I was living with him for a while but things didn't work out for us.

Let me start from the beginning so you get to know me a little better. My name is Fluffy and I am a young female dog who loves to learn and see new things. When mom and dad brought me home over a year ago, I was moms companion while dad was on the road working. She was lonely at home and we were best friends. Then last year mom decided she missed being with dad and decided to go on adventures with him. Dad's work did not allow dogs so I had to stay behind. Mom and dad travel all over the United States together. I am excited for them because now I am on my own. What girl doesn't like having her own place!

First, I stayed with my Aunt Stephanie. That is where I met my friend Tanner. We were best friends for months and had lot of fun together. He acted like he didn't like me and then when no one was around he would kiss me and let me sleep in his bed. This was one of those times and I had a picture taken to hold it over his head if he ever got mad at me!

Then I went to stay with Uncle Tom and now I am with Aunt Stacey. I will tell you about them all and each place has it's own set of stories to tell.

Now let me get back to Tanner. He is an older male dog...I think he is 4 or 5. I love older men! He was nice to me but didn't treat me the way I thought I should be be treated. I will continue telling my story tomorrow!
See Ya,

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